Thursday, December 13, 2007


It's reet chilly out there this evening, especially when you mistakenly get on the wrong train and find yourself ejected two stations down from your desired destination. Did allow for a lovely evening amble through my frost bitten town centre, dripping with Christmas lights all a-glow, making me feel festive through and through.

If there had been carol singers in attendance I doubt I could have resisted the temptation to run about like a loon hollering "Merry Christmas Beford Falls" but perhaps thankfully I made a mental note to scour Youtube for some suitably yuletidian clips to maintain my seasonal state of mind instead.

One of my favourites is this tiny short from UPA, a perennial favourite in Chicago from 1953 on - or so I've been reliably informed. Lovely to think this would be stuck on at random times over Christmas to give viewers a fuzzy feeling inside - sort of like a little present from your telly...

This type of random annual treat is restricted purely to the ad breaks these days, immediately losing it's fuzziness as Santa shoves a Coke bottle down our collective throats once again.

I fondly recall an animated rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas that used to play out on the BBC back in the very early 80s (love to see that again!)

First saw UPA's Frosty the Snowman on Toon Tracker many years ago, and a few low res have been knocking about the internet, but now Mark Evanier has helpfully pointed to the Mueseum of Broadcast Communications who offer this short along with other seasonal shorts of a similar vintage.

Ahh Christmas - innit brill?


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